
Interview with Chromium

"The limits are only those that one creates, and Art doesn't have limits," states Hannes from Chromium, a prominent Metal band in South Africa. He is on point! Chromium is a D.I.Y band with no limits and that is how they have earned a reputation worthy of enigmatic character, brutal Metal and diligent artistry.

Chromium started as a "bedroom project" in 2005 except it expanded to a successful release of albums, quality endorsements as well as a 2010 tour in the United Kingdom.

"The tour went great man, it was a lot of fun and a great bonding experience for us, I think every time we do something like this it brings the guys closer together, which inevitably ends up in the band’s live performance being tighter and a lot more energetic!" says Jared of Chromium. He adds that the highlights were, “making our own Black Metal music video in a cemetery - just for fun! Standing at Stone Hedge definitely made me feel like we’re on the road to making a difference, it’s hard to explain but when you can stand there with your guys and know that we’ve done this together – it’s quite rewarding.”
Unfortunately there are the not so rewarding parts of a tour as Hannes points out, the low lights are “not sleeping enough.”

Jared Gunston is the guitarist of the band as well as the producer behind the Chromium albums. As Hannes says, “It works great; Jared knows what he wants so things get done quicker.”

Chromium is currently in recording and according to Hannes and Jared; the album will be out in April 2011 whilst the Album launch is in March followed by a tour in South Africa. The album will be significantly different than the previous releases with more thrash metal and pleasant melodies.

Every band progresses (or at least should reach a level of progression) and the same goes for Chromium as Jared enlightens. “I think we’ve all become a lot more comfortable with each other, we trust each other on stage so there’s never a moment where you’re thinking -oh no, here comes that part we’re all gonna screw up! Our saying at the moment is we just Wing it and we do, keeping the shows natural and fun. Hannes has started doing a lot more crowd interaction now that he has a microphone as well as harmonies, Justin and Adrian really gets the crowds going too.”

Many bands are judged by their influences or their genre. So, please don’t ask, what does Chromium sound like? Rather make your own opinion and follow the link

In my opinion, fucking awesome for a band who has been in the running for five years! Their artistry is of high quality and as a band they are professional. In fact, Chromium just proved that they are limitless.

Final Words:

The Metal Goat: If each Chromium Band Member could give another Band Member an award for 2010, what would it be? (I won’t ask why!)

Jared: I’d give Hannes the Piele Certificate. Justin the ZY Trophey and Adrian the Bleh Card.

Adrian: Jared - the fish bowl award - it will be a mini gold fish bowl trophee, Hannes - the sunday lunch award, Justin - cleo award

Hannes: Adrian, for having the guts to start all this again and to Shaun Pearson, who had the guts to follow his dreams.

Posted on Air Guitar Blog

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